Registered user since Thu 3 Mar 2016
Name:Scott Lystig Fritchie
Scott Lystig Fritchie was a UNIX systems administrator until he returned to programming full-time at Sendmail, Inc. His focus the last 15 years has been distributed storage systems: design, implementation, and checking their correctness. He has had papers published by USENIX, the Erlang User Conference, and the ACM and has given presentations at Erlang Factory and Ricon. He is co-chair of the 2017 ACM Erlang Workshop (to be held in Oxford, UK) and will probably ask you to submit a paper for the workshop. Scott is a senior staff engineer at VMware.
Country:United States
Affiliation:VMware Research
Personal website: http://www.snookles.com/scott/
Research interests:Distributed systems, storage, distributed systems testing
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